Anime, Galaxy Express 999 - Symphonic Poem Galaxy Express 999 Records Mail Order RECORD CITY Japan
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Anime, Galaxy Express 999
Symphonic Poem Galaxy Express 999
Item Number : 3236435
Number of discs : 1
Approx. year : 1979
Genre : Anime/Game / Jazz, Funk / Soul
Styles : Soundtrack, Disco, Pop Rock
Catalog number : CQ7025
Barcode : CQ-7025B-2 Ⓑ 〄 B3
Condition : Very Good Plus (VG+)
Jacket condition : Very Good Plus (VG+)
Obi condition : Very Good Plus (VG+)
Obi & Accessories are mentioned here only when available
The soundtrack for Galaxy Express 999 still has many fans today.

Released in 1979. It was released when the first movie was released.

Includes Godiego's big hit insert song "Taking Off!". Many great songs that touch your heart, such as beautiful orchestral and gentle melodies. Listening to the soundtrack will surely bring back the characters, lines, and scenes. Recommended for those who remember the time and feel nostalgic, as well as those who are interested in Galaxy Express 999 for the first time.

1)    - 序曲 - メインテーマ = Prologue - Main Theme
2)    - "鉄郎", 勇気ある少年 = Tetsuro, A Bravery Boy
3) - 惜別 そして未知への憧れ = Fatal Parting, And Yearning For The Unknown
4) - テイキング・オフ! 銀河の彼方へ = Taking - Off! Over The Galaxy
5) - 氷の中のレクイエム = Requiem
6) - 可憐な少女 ガラスのクレア = Crystal Clair, A Pretty Girl
1) - 時間城へ = Bound For Time Castle
2) - 愛の目覚め = Awakening Of Love
3) - 心の詩とアルカエディア号 = Never Dying Spirit In Alkadia
4) - 惑星メーテル = Planet Meytel
5) - 銀河に散ったクレア... 涙 = Clair... Scattering In The Galaxy...Tear
6) - 終曲 - 別離 そして新たなる出発 = Epilogue - Farewell And The Beginning Of Another Journey
  • Author [Based On A Work By = 原作] - 松本零士
  • Composed By - 青木 望
  • Conductor - 熊谷 弘
  • Performer - コロムビア・シンフォニック・オーケストラ